Saturday, March 22, 2014

What's the Point in Running???

Really. Tell me. What's the point in running? Especially when I can't be running in the Caribbean!

I was mostly excited when Daryl and I started our Couch to 5K last year. Even though it was tough, we stuck it out and participated in two 5K runs. I even managed to run the 2nd race with no walking. Then we had to "fall back" for daylight savings (or whatever you call it in the fall) and it was too dark to run after work...and too cold... So, we pretty much quit training.

A few weeks ago we registered for the Amazing Grace Run in our home town (college/early marriage) of Joplin, MO. It's in TWO weeks! We started back to the middle of our C25K training and hope to make it through the race. Which brings me to my question... What's the point???

I keep asking that question while I'm running and not really enjoying it. It's a scary conversation going on in my head! I originally wanted to run in 5K races to help with fundraising for cancer research or other worthy causes. But... I can register for a race, get a t-shirt, and STILL be contributing to the cause without actually running! And don't think I haven't thought about this.

Then I think how maybe the challenge is a good thing. You know, facing the obstacle and overcoming it. But I stinkin' survived cancer and chemo, so who cares about running?

So for the last part of my run today, I had a hard time talking myself into anything good about it. I even chanted out loud, "I don't like this!" Finally, I set a goal to run to the end of the road and pressed on. While walking back to the house, I was still trying to think of what's good about running!

Listening to Building 429 is good during my run! And the song All the Glory had me wondering how my running can be glorifying to God. I've never been big on physical discipline, but part of I Timothy 4:7 came to mind - discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness. I realize this verse is about spiritual discipline, but I'll try to focus on how my physical discipline and running can be a way to glorify God!

It’s here I find you lift me up just to lift You high
It never was about me, You get all the glory
And if I stand it’s only that I am in Your hands
It never was about me, yea You get all the glory

~ All the Glory by Building 429

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